our mission
Siddhagiri Math Mission to
make better society
Our mission is to design and implement holistic programmes in various sectors like education, healthcare, rural development and culture for the benefit of everyone.
Siddhagiri Math, through all its indigenous, eco-centric and sustainable initiatives intends to build:

how we do
Our Reach

Siddhagiri Gurukul Foundation, a Trust intends to serve the society in general through various social, educational, spiritual, and agricultural initiatives.
About Swamiji
Message by Swamiji
Live Pravachan
Pujyashri Adrishya Kadsiddheshwar Swamiji
49th Mathadhipati
He is the 49th presiding Mathadhipati who is engrossed round the clock in actualizing the vision of Shri Samarth Muppin Kaadsiddheswar Maharaj had for the Matha.
How could you help?
‘वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम’
Become Volunteer
Be part of a noble cause.
Put in your expertise and skills for the betterment of the society. We would need your assistance during emergencies of any kind our society has to suffer through.
see our volunteer programs
Donate for a Cause
Help us rebuild and strengthen the society we live-in.
Even a small contribution can be a beacon of hope and re-emergence. We ensure to reach out to everyone who are in need.
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about math
Shri Kshetra Siddhagiri Mahasansthan, Kaneri.
Siddhagiri Math is the Sthir Peeth of the Kadhsiddheshwar Tradition and Bhu-Kailasa(heaven on earth) for everyone.

The art of self realization i.e. supreme knowledge is worshiped here

The secrets of the ultimate truth - the only thing which remains unchanged i.e. Atman are explored and practiced here.

The knowledge of the soul is shared with all young and old ones without any discrimination in terms of cast, creed and gender.
established around the 7th century
Ancient Hemadpanthi Shiva Temple
from a spiritual center to a social institution
the wisdom and Guidance of 50 Mathadhipatis
Siddhagiri Math in Kaneri, Taluka Karvir, District Kolhapur is the highest seat of the Kadsiddheshwar tradition.
Read Moretestimonials
VIP guests visit to Siddhagiri Math

Yogguru Param Pujya Baba Ramdevji Maharaj visited Shri Siddhagiri Math, Kaneri, Kolhapur and personally visited every socially benefitting project along with spiritual shrines. He expressed his salutation to Shri Kadsiddheshwar Swamiji's efforts in a nation building at ground level.

Shri Baba Ramdev
Indian Yog Guru

Shri Prakash Amate Ji was very impressed after seeing all wellbeing programs like Gaushala, Lakhapati Sheti, Museum and Hospital

Shri Prakash Amate
Social Worker

During her visit to math, Shrimati Sindhutai Sapkal spent some quality time with children who were undertaken by Math as part of Aanandashram initiative.

Shrimati Sindhutai Sapkal
Indian social worker and social activist

Getting acquainted various social and public welfare initiatives, Shri Mohan Bhagwat Ji expressed his gratitude towards the untiring efforts of Shri Adrushya Swamiji.

Shri Mohan Bhagwat
6th Sarsanghchalak of the RSS

In the month of July, 2016 Shri Bhatkar Ji had visited at Siddhagiri Math and delighted to see various Initiatives carried for village development.

Dr. Vijay Bhatkar
Indian computer scientist, IT leader and educationalist

During visit at Siddhagiri Math, Shri K Rajshekharan said that ‘Siddhagiri Math has done exceptional work in Kerala Relief Work’.

Shri K Rajshekharan
Former Governor of Mizoram