General Donations
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Whether it is through online payment contributions or donations in kind, Siddhagiri Matham offers a variety of opportunities for you to extend your support.

General Donations
शतहस्त समाहर | सहस्रहस्त संकिर ||
Your donation will help children, adults, and families rise above adversity and thrive. Even a small donation can provide medical assistance, supply food and shelter, and help families rebuild their lives and communities.
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Donate to the Initiatives at Siddhagiri Matham

Siddhagiri Gau-shala - Conserving the native breeds of Indian cows
Help us conserve the native breeds of Indian cows. Swamiji decided to establish a Gaushala in 2009 to conserve and prosper the native breeds of Indian cows. Manifold breeds were brought in at one place from across the nation. Several farmers were persuaded not to sell their ageing or injured cows and all of them were treated at Gaushala.
Today, the Gaushala at Siddhagiri Math houses over 1000 cows of different indigenous breeds such as Sahiwal from Gujrat, Amritmahal from Rajasthan, Tharparkar from Andhra Pradesh and Khillari from Maharashtra. India used to have over 100 genetic varieties but over the period of time the number was reduced to just 35. At Siddhagiri Gau Shala, over 25 breeds are taken care of under one roof. At Gau Shala, one can find the breeds such as Amrut Mahal, Sahiwal, Geer, Devni, and Gidda which were on the verge of extinction.

Anandashram - An initiative for children in lower social-income
Every child has the right to grow its fullest potential and wants a safe, loving family to grow up in. 80% of children have living parents but due to poverty and incapability of parents to bring them up. On the other hand children don't even have parents to grow up with. These children are struggling in every facet of life in terms of arranging daily meal and to avail education & medical facilities.
Siddhagiri Anandashram is an attempt to provide these children the infrastructure to grow up and it helps them to become a responsible citizen of India with character. Siddhagiri Gurukul Foundation has been careful in reaching out to the students belonging to the lower social-income groups and orphans. Through this initiative , over 400 students from Meghalaya and more than 100 orphans are cherishing their school-life with courage and tenacity.
With the help of crowd funding and donations by society, Siddhagiri Gurukul Foundation is managing facilities for these deprived children. This is a humongous task and it needs many helping hands.
We are seeking our partnerships with National government, Civil Society Organizations, International Agencies, Corporate Donors and Committed Individuals. We are helping to build a global movement that will eliminate orphanages in our lifetime.

Disaster Management - Help us rebuild the lives
During the calamity, Siddhagiri Math has always been at the forefront to conserve the lives and the property. Over the last two decades, Siddhagiri Math has also evolved into an efficient disaster management centre which tackles manifold requirements that emerge during the calamities.
Siddhagiri Disaster Management Team consists of various stakeholders and contributors. Jeevan Mukti Seva Sansta (White Army), an NGO working in Kolhapur region, volunteers from the Math and the trained rescuers, together, have been carrying out the relief and rescue operations across the nation whenever and wherever needed.