Siddhagiri Math
Gram Vikas

Adarsh (ideal) and Tantamukta (dispute free village) Gram Nirman Abhiyaan
Swamiji visits several villages in Maharashtra for pravachans and Adarsha Gram Abhiyaan. There are some villages where all villagers are devotees of Siddhagiri math. Swamiji decided to make these villages Adarsh Gram i.e. Ideal villages and tanta-mukta gram i.e. dispute-free villages. Shelakewadi is one such Adarsha Gram developed under guidance of Swamiji. Some spotlights on the activities carried out under this campaign.
An ideal Gram Abhiyaan gave boost to ‘Sant Gadgebaba Gram Swachhata Abhiyaan’
Houses in the entire village has a uniform color.
Any disputes in villages are resolved by mutual understandings of the villagers and are not escalated till the court trials. Hence the village is free from disputes
Clean air, clean water and clean food is maintained due abundant natural pollution free environment
Entire village is made free from addictions like smoking, Gutakha, Tobacco and liquors
Toilet for each house made the village 100% free from open air defecation.
100 % Gobar gas (Biogas) is used in each house in village. The village has become free from LPG.
Laboure’s are not borrowed from outside the villages, instead all types of occupational and industrial skills are developed and utilized within the village itself. Hence villages have become free from outside labors and self-sufficient.
There have been rituals in the village of Pashubali i.e. beast/animals killings. These rituals have been stopped and the villages have become free from killing animals/beasts.