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Siddhagiri Gau-shala - Conserving the native breeds of Indian cows

Siddhagiri Gau-shala - Conserving the native breeds of Indian cows

Help us conserve the native breeds of Indian cows. Swamiji decided to establish a Gaushala in 2009 to conserve and prosper the native breeds of Indian cows. Manifold breeds were brought in at one place from across the nation. Several farmers were persuaded not to sell their ageing or injured cows and all of them were treated at Gaushala.
Today, the Gaushala at Siddhagiri Math houses over 1000 cows of different indigenous breeds such as Sahiwal from Gujrat, Amritmahal from Rajasthan, Tharparkar from Andhra Pradesh and Khillari from Maharashtra. India used to have over 100 genetic varieties but over the period of time the number was reduced to just 35. At Siddhagiri Gau Shala, over 25 breeds are taken care of under one roof. At Gau Shala, one can find the breeds such as Amrut Mahal, Sahiwal, Geer, Devni, and Gidda which were on the verge of extinction.
The Gaushala at Siddhagiri Math houses over 1000 cows of different indigenous breeds. With this donation money, we manage various expenses like arranging day-to-day food i.e. Fodder, Kadwa Kutti (nutrients ), Jaggery(supplements) for each cow. We also use the donation money for building shelter, managing all the medical expenses.
Donation Options
Offering Seva to a cow on your special day
Offering Seva to all cows on your special day
Adopt a cow for a month
Adopt a cow for a year
Gaushala Fund
other amount
Enter Your Amount (Rs.)*
Siddhagiri Gau-shala - Conserving the native breeds of Indian cows

Help us conserve the native breeds of Indian cows. Swamiji decided to establish a Gaushala in 2009 to conserve and prosper the native breeds of Indian cows. Manifold breeds were brought in at one place from across the nation. Several farmers were persuaded not to sell their ageing or injured cows and all of them were treated at Gaushala.
Today, the Gaushala at Siddhagiri Math houses over 1000 cows of different indigenous breeds such as Sahiwal from Gujrat, Amritmahal from Rajasthan, Tharparkar from Andhra Pradesh and Khillari from Maharashtra. India used to have over 100 genetic varieties but over the period of time the number was reduced to just 35. At Siddhagiri Gau Shala, over 25 breeds are taken care of under one roof. At Gau Shala, one can find the breeds such as Amrut Mahal, Sahiwal, Geer, Devni, and Gidda which were on the verge of extinction.
The Gaushala at Siddhagiri Math houses over 1000 cows of different indigenous breeds. With this donation money, we manage various expenses like arranging day-to-day food i.e. Fodder, Kadwa Kutti (nutrients ), Jaggery(supplements) for each cow. We also use the donation money for building shelter, managing all the medical expenses.
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