Alternate Traditional Therapies

Swarnabindu Prashan
सुवर्णप्राशनं हि एतत् मेधाग्नि बल वर्धनम् । आयुष्यंमंगलं पुण्यं वृष्यं ग्रहापहम् ॥
On the auspicious occasion when Pushya Nakshatra forms in the firmament, the consumption of Swarnabindu, i.e. combination of genuine and purified 'gold bhasma' and Ayurvedic herbs, is considered to be the most beneficial health care practice.
According to Ayurveda, the right time of administering Swarnabindu is the formation of Pushya Nakshyatra in the sky. In the Vedas too, Pushya nakshyatra is given a special importance as Goddess Lakshmi was born on this 'Tithi'.
'Swarnabindu Prashan' is useful to deal with all kinds of diseases and if administered regularly from the birth year of a kid (till he/ she is 14 years old), it contributes to a great extent in the development of an intellect.
Over the years, 'Swarnabindu Prashan' has proved helpful in manifold ways
Every parent desires that their child should be brought up as a healthy and intelligent human being. With this mission of raising and building intellectually sharp, healthy and responsible generation, Siddhagiri Ayurdham has been relentlessly engrossed in the mission of 'Swarnabindu Prashan' for last 15 years. The ingredients of 'Swarnabindu' viz. Shankhpushpi, Brahmi, Vaacha, Yashtima, Jyotishmati, Gaduchi, honey and Ghee contribute in improving the power of receptivity, memory and intelligence of a child. Every month, over 200 kids from surrounding villages avail the benefits of Swarnabindu Prashan.
Improves immunity to fight against all kinds of diseases.
Improves child's receptivity and memory
Improves skin complexion
Improves digestion and immunity
Satvik Aahar
आयुःसत्त्वबलारोग्यसुखप्रीतिविवर्धनाः। रस्याः स्निग्धाः स्थिरा हृद्या आहाराः सात्त्विकप्रियाः।।
On the auspicious occasion when Pushya Nakshatra forms in the firmament, the consumption of Swarnabindu, i.e. combination of genuine and purified 'gold bhasma' and Ayurvedic herbs, is considered to be the most beneficial health care practice.
According to Ayurveda, the right time of administering Swarnabindu is the formation of Pushya Nakshyatra in the sky. In the Vedas too, Pushya nakshyatra is given a special importance as Goddess Lakshmi was born on this 'Tithi'.
'Swarnabindu Prashan' is useful to deal with all kinds of diseases and if administered regularly from the birth year of a kid (till he/ she is 14 years old), it contributes to a great extent in the development of an intellect.

Healthy & Organic
Preventive measures
योग: , चित्त , वृत्ति , निरोधः ॥

Yog Daily Life
Yoga is not religion specific; it is a way of living that aims towards a healthy mind and a healthy body. It elevates the common mind to supreme wellbeing. Man is a physical, mental and spiritual being. Yog helps promote a balanced development of all the three. Other forms of physical exercises, like aerobics, assure only physical well-being. They have little to do with the development of the spiritual or astral body. Yogic asanas, Bandhas, Mudras and Pranayam recharge the body with cosmic energy and facilitates:
- Attaining harmony
- Promotes self- healing.
- Removes negative blocks from the mind and toxins from the body
- Enhances willpower
- Helps in attention, focus and concentration, especially important for children
Yog Gram
On the occasion of the Punyatithi celebration PP Shri Muppin Kadasiddheshwar Swamiji Maharaj, PP Shri Adrishya Kadasiddheshwar Swamiji decided to transform hundred villages into Yoga Villages. Yoga Gram means a village in which the young and old ones congregate in the common village ground or temple to practice Yogasana and Pranayama regularly every morning without fail. Villagers have balanced their diet as per Yog methodology. The youth are ready to preach and spread the awareness of yog in surrounding villages. In the nearby villages, yog pracharak are constantly on the lookout for their health and well-being of villagers in the right way. Such villages include many villages in the Raigad region such as Kharsai, Banoti, Nanvel, Varal etc.

Marma Chikitsa
Porttitor lacus in nisl nisl aliquam porta egestas feugiat tortor. Ac vitae felis nunc purus non non sit consectetur at. Non sed amet netus posuere bibendum in sit faucibus. In semper ac rutrum imperdiet id dictum adipiscing ut. Lacinia sed ut facilisis potenti sapien, amet consectetur quam. Egestas metus nunc faucibus morbi auctor ullamcorper habitasse arcu. Quam nunc, dignissim placerat vitae aliquet tincidunt. Consectetur etiam interdum vitae tristique est facilisi. Ac scelerisque turpis in cras interdum erat nisl. Bibendum nisi gravida sed dui. Accumsan id mi fermentum, egestas vivamus tempor facilisis. Elit etiam egestas nulla hendrerit auctor orci quis turpis. Odio neque morbi ut eget magna. Porttitor etiam ac dui nibh sit ac in sed.