Mrs. Surekha Ajit Parit, KVK Success Story

Name: Mrs. Surekha Ajit Parit
Address: Shendur, Tal. Kagal, Dist. Kolhapur
Area under Nutrition Garden: 0.0375 Acre (1.5 R)
Number of Family Members: 05
Mobile No. 9503573531
Women are the major worker of agriculture and allied sector
activities. Mrs. Surekha Parit lives
in Shendur village of kagal Taluka, Kolhapur is doing
farming as ancestral occupation. She is
growing Rice, Soybean and Groundnut, Jawar, Gram and wheat.
She has established a nutrition
garden and fulfilled his family daily requirement.
Major crops and impact
With the guidance of Shri Siddhagiri Krishi Vigyan Kendra,
Kaneri, Kolhapur, Mrs. Surekha
Parit has developed the nutrition garden and grows different
leafy vegetables (Cabbage, Ambadi,
Spinach, Fenugreek, Curry leaves, etc.), under major
vegetables (Tomato, Brinjal, Chili,
Cauliflower, Okra, Bitter gourd, Ridge gourd, Knolkhol etc.)
and Roots and Tubers crops
(Onion, Raddish etc.). Mrs. Surekha Parit has saved Rs.
14037 in vegetable purchase from
nutritional garden.
Impact: After seeing Mrs. Surekha Parit’s nutritional
garden, the other women farmers got
motivated and some of the women farmers developed other
nutritional garden in their available
land. She has also done saving from nutritional garden and
keeping her family health at most
priority, cooking organically grown food/vegetable.
Future Plan: Mrs. Surekha Parit has planned to develop a
small food processing unit based on
experience of nutritional garden. She has planned to dried
vegetable in urban areas of Kolhapur
along with her already developed food products.