Shri.Vinod Jaijairam Shinde, KVK Success Story

Farmers Name: Shri.Vinod Jaijairam Shinde
Address: Village. Shendur, Tal. Kagal, Dist. Kolhapur
Mobile No.: 9420008770
Brief description of the innovation or Success Story:
Vinod Shinde is an innovative farmer having total 06 acres
of land (03 acre owned and 03 acre
lease). He has on his 03 acre a modern broiler poultry farm
on 0.25 acre since 2016. In one year
he is taking 5 batches of poultry birds containing 20000 to
21000broiler birds. Initially he got 03
batches of birds. He is adopting various good animal
practices like adequate vaccination of birds
with Gumbaro and IBD. He is proving good amount of feeding
to birds in 3 steps (Pre-starter,
Starter and Finisher). He is using EM solution which is
totally natural and effective method for
ensuring healthy poultry and it is used in rearing sheds,
but helpsin suppress the disease, and
rapidly eliminate and control the ammonia produced by their
droppings, as a result the air quality
improve radically.EM is added to the feed and water - the
beneficial microorganisms will
improve the gut flora of the birds, making digestion more
efficient and thereby helping to reduce
feed costs. He is giving 1ml/liter of water to birds. He is
getting a good amount of poultry
manure 8000 kgs/batch which ultimately yielded in 05 batch
40000 kgs of poultry manure.
It’s Marketability:
He has a direct link with poultry companies and selling
broilers to them. These companies are
purchasing all these birds from his farm directly. He is
earning 3,20,000 from 05 batches of
broiler production. Apart from this he is selling poultry
manure directly to other farmers and
getting 70000-80000 rupees in a year.
Linkages and Convergence:
He has direct linkage with broiler companies. He is getting
all technical advises from the KVK,
Kaneri, Kolhapur for rearing and maintaining the birds of
good health and quality.